Governing Principles or Universal Principles

I want to show that there are indeed some universal ethical principles which
could help everyone to achieve the happiness we all aspire to. – 14th Dalai Lama

The principles are Integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty and the Golden Rule.

These are universal laws that govern civilizations throughout history. Just like time, we either use it or lose it, but we cannot manage it.

Regardless of your gender, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality; there are only two broad types of people in this world. Those who are living by the above principles are connected to their inner being to their soul. The ones who are not living by these principles and are not connected to their inner being or their soul.

Those not connected see the world, again, in varying degrees, as doomed to manipulation and destruction. They see only the limits, they see only the seen, the proof, the physical evidence. Such people accept nothing that cannot be seen or heard or tasted or smelled or touched. And they are, knowingly or unknowingly, using the opposites of the above principles or laws to varying degrees. The more distant we are from these laws, the more ineffective, messy and unhappy we become.

The ones that are inner connected see the world, in varying degrees, as a possibility to a better future and they have faith, faith in themselves and faith in others, they see the unseen. And they are using the above principles or laws to varying degrees and therefore get varying results in their life. These choices and actions may be conscious or unconscious. The more connected we are with these laws, the more effective, productive and happy we become. 

The reason we see the varying results among humans is due to the varying degrees to which we keep living the principles or their opposites. One person may be applying some principles and at the same time applying the opposites of the other principles. No single person is totally creative or productive and happy all the time. And no single person is totally destructive, useless and unhappy all the time. We are all a mixture of both the excellence and the awful. Our mental and emotional states change according to the thoughts we entertain from time to time. However, the most successful people are more connected and aligned with these principles and prefer growth and excellence. Unsuccessful people are more disconnected, they prefer being average, and are generally distant from the above-mentioned principles.

We don’t break these laws; we break ourselves against these laws
– Stephen Covey (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

Our connection with ourselves or our inner being varies from time to time. What matters is the momentum. When we have been practising the principles, we gain momentum towards a better and more meaningful life. And there is a small chance that you will stop and go in the opposite direction, because of the momentum that has built. In a similar token, when I have been acting out the opposites of the principles, and I continue to do so, I will gain momentum in that direction. It is unlikely that I will go the opposite direction, because of the momentum that has built.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is the willingness to learn and keep an open heart and mind. Those who grow and progress keep listening to their inner voice inside them that tells them whether they are in alignment or out of alignment with the laws or principles. It is here that your friends and relatives come into the picture. Your friends and relatives, although well-meaning and caring for you are able to give advice based on their level of awareness of the governing principles.

My friends or relatives also do not want to hurt my feelings, so they will likely be nice instead of being honest. And even if they are honest with me, I may resent them for hurting my ego, thereby hurting the relation. That is why when you are in deep trouble, mentally or emotionally, I find that it is always better to go to a qualified person for guidance or a solution. They can be unbiased and objective in evaluating your situation and give advice based on their knowledge. Talking with a qualified person will be more practical and effective to a degree.

However, when you are in trouble mentally or emotionally and there is no one to turn to, the best course of action in my opinions is, to help yourself. And the first thing you can do is to give yourself a pause or a break. Stop, look and physically experience what is around you. See, hear and feel everything, from the smell of the air, the feel the texture, hear the sounds, take some deep breaths. These activities will help in grounding you. Experiencing the environment will take you back from wherever you are emotionally and mentally to the present time and place.

When you do this two or three times a day, you will be more present and you will be more aware of what is happening around you. It is like meditation (just less deep) but in a more conscious and alert way. You will be aware of your own thoughts and feelings and your purpose and intention. Then slowly and surely, you will also see and understand other people’s presence, situation, their requirements and you will adjust accordingly.

People may have a difference in opinions, depending on their mood, education, experience and beliefs etc. Therefore relying on other people may not bring clarity, but relying on principles, making sure that you are practising them to the best of your capacity, you can be sure that your decisions and actions are or will be effective. The results may not be visible now, but the principles are working in reality and soon you will see their results. Have faith in principles, they cannot fail to give you what you deserve.

One just principle from the depths of a cave is more powerful than an army.
Jose Marti

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